Friday, January 11, 2019

Very Punny


I love to laugh. I like silly jokes and silly comedies. Puns seem be my favorite type of humor. Oscar Levant said, "A pun is the lowest form of humor–when you don't think of it first." Low form of humor or not, I love them.

Overall, my humor isn't all that sophisticated. My favorite movies are Airplane! and Clue, two movies full of slapstick and puns and silliness. And the humor is gentle and clean.

I often forget that laughter is a great medicine. When things seem tense or overwhelming, I need to just relax with a little humor. Luckily I married someone who gets my "low form" of humor and will laugh at my silly jokes and share pun memes with me. (See the one above. She shared it with me.)

God is the source of joy. I think He's the source of laughter, too. After all, He sent a baby to an elderly couple and named the baby "laughter" (Isaac). And often, when I'm dealing with a tense time in my life or facing some difficulty, a little bit of silliness will happen. Or something from the past will enter my mind. Or someone nearby will say, "Surely you can't be serious."

Sometimes I'm too serious or too involved in things. I want to look for the silly, the funny, the joy. I know there's a time for seriousness but underlying it all there is some joy in the journey.

Today's Joy: Laughter, especially at silly jokes

(Why was Six afraid of Seven? Because Seven ate Nine.)

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