Thursday, October 26, 2017

Sometimes It's Hard

I (Scott) feel like a weak follower of Christ. I trust God and seek to do His will. Of course, I fail because I am a sinner (like everyone else). In that way we're all weak.

But sometimes I struggle with the path I'm on. I know God is Sovereign. I know everything is in His hands. But at times I feel like something is amiss. I see the lives of others and wonder why mine isn't more like theirs. I look back to see where things turned an unexpected corner and wonder why the path diverged like it did. Sometimes it's hard to be where you are.

Social media - while great - can help contribute to these thoughts. I see posts about children's accomplishments and photos of kids or grandkids...and wonder why my path is different. I read about the success of former colleagues or see someone excel in my same field...and think that somewhere I missed an important opportunity or misheard the voice leading me.

Sometimes it's hard to be where you are. Sometimes it's hard not to be where you are not.

God doesn't make mistakes. And the sovereign, all-knowing God leads and directs and makes things happen in His will. I believe that. I cling to that. I know that. I've seen that. I know there are things I could never do or have ever done if things in my life were different. And yet, in my humanness, sometimes it's hard.

The Christian group FFH sings a song "One of These Days." In that song, they sing that one of these days (in heaven), we'll do all the things that we've never done before; we will witness all the things we've missed; we will learn all the things that we've never known before. One particular verse that I always remember is this:
One of these days I'm going to see just what became of me
On the day that I believed when You took myself from me
And I believe I will see what I would have been if You didn't save me
One of these days
I don't know if we will really see what we would have been if we had not been saved. But I do know that we will see our Savior face to face and we will truly know Him and who we are in Him.

That's what I cling to...on the days when it is hard.

Here's the song if you want to hear it