Monday, January 19, 2015

It Is Well

My favorite hymn is It Is Well with My Soul. Every single time I hear it, I am inspired, humbled, and reminded me that God is Sovereign.

Lately I don't think I've been living consistently with that message. God is Sovereign. God is in control. God does as He wills in His time. I know these things. I don't always live as if I know these things.

I've written about doubt before. What I'm learning is that doubt is not the opposite of faith. The opposite of faith is doing things myself. Or trying to make things happen myself.

In this season of our lives, I've been wondering what I need to be doing. Do I just sit and wait? Do I look and explore? WHAT DO I DO?

And I don't feel that it has been well with my soul.

So, this week, God taught me (again) to be where I am. This is what my calling is now. I don't need to go looking around for what's next. This is my next. (I know. I've written about this before. I'm a slow learner.)

It has been well. I feel a weight lift off.

I am listening and waiting. I'm doing what I know God has called me to do. I do new things when they open up.

And now I'm going to stop trying to pry things open myself.

It is well with my soul.

Monday, January 5, 2015

A New Thing

I always like the new year. It makes me feel like I can completely change. That everything that has happened in the old year is now past and I can make a new commitment or new habit or new way.

Of course, lots of those "new" things happen only a few times or not at all.

A few years ago, I began choosing one word for the year - one word to be the focus for the year. I do this instead of making resolutions. For 2015, I chose the word YES. This year I want to say yes to God and every way He is leading. I hope my yes is apparent, even before knowing the way He's leading.

I also try to choose a verse for the year, a verse that will help guide what I do. When I read Isaiah 43:19, I knew it was the verse for this year.
Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. (Is. 43:19)
We want to see the new things that God is doing. We want to say yes, to be open to being a part of whatever new thing is coming.

Happy 2015! May God do something new in your life. We cannot wait to see what adventures await us.

(You can read more about my 2015 word on Brick by Brick.)