Thursday, January 10, 2019

Taking It Slow

When I sit down to think and write each day, I often already have an idea about what joy will show up in the post. I think during the day as things happen or note a particular event as the probable joy. I capture a photo for the post and think my work for that day is done. And so it was today. I walked to the computer with a particular thought in mind about what I would type here.

But as I thought back through the day so far, and begin to think again about the purpose of my joy journey, I wavered. My first thought was the easy idea for today.  I knew where I would be today and had "preplanned" what I would write. That wasn't what I hoped when I started this.

So I sat and thought for a minute. What happened today that really brought joy in an unexpected way. And I had it. It is another small thing and I'm learning that those small joys are really valuable ones.

Today I had to get up and be out of the house at a certain time. I always set my alarm early. I know that I tend to get ready slowly and ease into the day, so I plan that by letting the alarm ring and taking it slow.

This morning the alarm sounded. I turned it off. I rolled over and slept for a few more minutes. I enjoyed so much the leisurely approach to the morning.

I know that staying in bed a few extra minutes isn't that big of a deal. Now that I work freelance, I can work late, sleep in, make the hours as I choose.

But as I lay there this morning, I just enjoyed the extra time. I felt grateful that I didn't need to jump out of bed immediately and take on the day. I felt calmer and happier when I rose and dressed for the day. And I think the rest of the day just seemed more joy-filled.

Yes, it's the small joys that seem to give the most impact.

Today's Joy: A slower start to the day

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