Friday, March 22, 2019

One Year

This time one year ago, Cindy was recovering from surgery for her cochlear implants. One year. In so many ways it seems like a much longer journey than that. (At least to me.) We've learned some new things and adjusted to doing other things differently. We have spent a lot of time together.

I am thankful for one year.

I am thankful I have had her with me for this time. I am thankful that she can hear so well. I'm thankful that I hear her laugh at my silly jokes. I am thankful that God has provided for us this past year, so we've been able to pay our living expenses and medical bills. I am thankful for a church family that supports and loves us in many ways. I am thankful for our families who check on us and spend time with us when we can get together.

I've always said that I'm grateful for each day because no day is promised to us. But as I look back over the past year full of days, I am so glad for this time we've had. There have been other difficulties and other worries that crop up. There have been challenges - nothing to do with medical issues - that we've weathered. And even today we are facing some new things. But I am grateful.

I know Cindy has changed over the past year. No one could experience the things she has and not change. And I see how I have changed too. We have grown over the time we've been married - but I truly think that we are closer than ever. I am so grateful we can have discussions about the Bible like we have in the past. That she can still tell me which turn to take as we drive. That she encourages me and chastises me and loves me as no one else does.

Yes, I am thankful for one year. And each day that comes after it.

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