Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Love Yourself

The other day a friend posted about choosing words carefully and the words we use can affect our attitudes. "I get to ..." gives a different attitude than "I have to...." I agree. Words are important and the words we choose impact what we think and what we feel. Several days later, I'm still thinking about that. Why? Because I'm the best as negative self-talk. "You are so dumb! Why can't you do things right? You talk too much. No one is interested in that." My mind is great at pulling up things to keep the ego in check (so to speak).

Of course, I have shortcomings and deficiencies. But I have good stuff, too. After all, Cindy chose to marry me and I think she has pretty high standards. (Ha!) So today - for my joy and thankfulness - I am going to appreciate who I am. (Warning: This may seem like a bragging post - so now's the time to bail. You've been warned.)

I'm a decent writer. I can put words together to create ideas and emotions. I communicate well through the written word. And people even pay me to do it.

I love to help others. I like to do those "behind the scenes" things. I like to stack chairs or file papers. I even once had fun helping to washing dishes at church after Wednesday night meal.

I enjoy making music. Playing handbells and singing in the church choir are two of my favorite things. And now I get to make music with young children weekly.

I was made to teach young children. I like having conversations with them and learning from them. I like talking to them about new things or their own ideas. I can be patient with their silliness and even add my own silliness to the mix at times. I love being with them and I think they like being with me.

Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself. We are admonished to do both. Some easily love others but don't seem to like themselves much. Others focus on themselves and seem to dislike everyone else. We must do both.

Sorry for the ego trip in this post. But, too often I neglect to be thankful for who I am. I so often find myself wishing I was different (discontent!). So today I'm thankful for me, who I am and what I can do.


  1. Scott, I want affirm all that you said. Our family is blessed by you several times a week. Thanks for the reminder for us all to be thankful of the person God has made us to be with our gifts, talents, and even flaws that bring glory back to Him.

  2. I’m very thankful for you!!
    I’m also thankful for this post; I’m the queen of negative self-talk myself!
