Friday, March 8, 2019

Words Are Powerful

Since I make a living using words, I think they are important. In writing--and a lot of times in speaking--I search for just the right word to convey the meaning I want. Words matter. An action could be unobtrusive or stealthy or sneaky. All mean similar things but those meanings are very different in terms of character or connotation.

Words are powerful. I can remember criticisms I have received years ago. Those words still echo in my brain at times. We tend to recall the words that cut and not the words that compliment.

I remember words I said that I wished were never spoken. Once, when I taught second grade, I made a careless comment to a student. He immediately said, "And I know that I'm to blame for everything that is happening today." He wasn't. I had to apologize to him and hope that I could repair the power of my words.

In recent months, I've been hearing a lot of words from a lot of people. Some of those words were chosen to hurt or harm. And, in some settings, I've tossed around some unkind words, too. As I ponder these things, I remember something the Bible says about words.
I tell you that on the day of judgment people will have to account for every careless word they speak. Matthew 12:36
We are accountable for every careless and thoughtless word--as well as deliberately chosen word--we speak. That gives me pause and even makes me cringe.

I want to practice focusing on the words that heal and uplift -- both when I speak and when I listen to others' words. I will try to focus on the powerful joyful words and put aside those that do not bring joy. I want to speak and write in affirming ways. I want the words I use to be careful and thoughtful, not careless and thoughtless.

And that goes for the words I say to myself as well. I often engage in careless self-talk: That was stupid. You cannot do anything right. No wonder you have few friends. What's wrong with you? Those words are powerful, too. I think I'll have to give an account for those careless words, too, even though I spoke them to myself.

Here are the joyful uplifting words I have today for me: I enjoyed a leisurely morning. I accomplished several tasks on my list. God's grace was affirmed to me as I prayed to Him.

I don't want to be a Pollyanna, avoiding the unpleasant. But I do want to be a wise wordsmith, speaking grace-filled and mercy-filled truth that points others (and myself) to Him.

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