Yesterday I drove Cindy downtown to do some work - and later drove back downtown to get her. Now people drive crazy here in Nashville, especially on the interstates. I had drivers cutting in and out in front of me. One practically stopped on the interstate because he didn't merge over into the right lane early enough before a split in the road. Off the interstate, we actually saw a driver turn and drive down the wrong side of the road to take a shortcut to where he wanted to go.
After my morning drive, I was angry. I felt pretty much angry throughout the day and got another dose in the afternoon when I drove downtown the second time. One thing I've learned - anger does not bring joy. Joy comes when I have contentment and thankfulness.
So - I decided to combat that anger with gratitude. I am thankful that I have a car that will get me around where I need to go. I'm thankful that I'm able to put fuel in my car so it will go. The little car we have now is what Cindy and I think about as our miracle car.
After the truck was wrecked, we began searching for a replacement vehicle. Cindy saw the mint green car online at a dealership. We both dismissed it as being too small for us. (I want to get in a car, not put it on and wear it.) We kept searching...mostly because the insurance check was a little delayed and that was what we needed to pay the bulk of our "new" car's cost. We drove a few cars and looked at a few others. We almost bought one but it didn't work out.
Cindy went back to her online searching and that mint green car appeared again - still on the market. Cindy contacted the dealer, asking how much the "out the door" total would be. The car had been reduced; in fact the dealer was ready to send it to auction. We went down to check it out. Even though it's a small car, the space for driving (and passengering) is roomier than anything else we'd tried. Total cost was just a little over our insurance amount. We drove out of the dealership with our new Mintmobile.
It's been the perfect car for us. I am so thankful for it. Since I love puns so much, I even call it the Meant-mobile from time to time - it's the car that was meant for us at this moment.
For the next couple of weeks, I'm going to take a page from my friend Linda's practice - and notice the things for which I'm thankful. Being thankful for what I've been given is a great way to celebrate the joy I have.
I am thankful for my little car that dependably gets me where I need to go.
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