Several years ago I started down what I believed was a right road, a new turning point in my life. Shortly after that I ran into a dead end. That road ended - and not by my choice. I wandered confused and waiting. And waited for a while until I realized that my "waiting room" was my new path. I still don't understand all that happened then or why things happened as they did - but I know that the changes I experienced were preparations for what came next.
I'm now in another part of the journey where I'm not sure why things are happening as they are. But God's thoughts and God's ways are not the same as mine. And even when I don't understand or can't understand, I can trust in Him. Seek the path He is lighting for me.
A few years ago, in that before time, I started writing a poem. I found it again today and refined it some. It speaks to where I was...and in different ways where I am today.
The Road
The twisty turning road
Seems to lead to nowhere
What was a bright and shining path
Has dimmed, a shady cul-de-sac
The wait that held promise, full and new,
The wait that caught excited breath
Now seems interminable
A long pause with no resolution
The connection that brought new understanding
New ways to know both self and God
That connection now is frayed
With garbled messages at best
Was it all a mistake,
A dream that really wasn't right
A turn that shouldn't have been made
A path best left untrod?
The glow of that unfound promise
Continues to burn at horizon’s edge
This twisty road
Still seems right
Still seems true
Still beckons
Even when it seems I've no more steps to take.
R. Scott Wiley
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