I take a lot of pictures with my phone. Well, not so many now. But I like to take photos of things that I see the kids doing and things they enjoyed.
I was looking through my camera roll today, searching for a certain picture. I saw the one on this page. It's a shot from yesterday's music class; we made bell sticks.
I wanted the kids to make instruments to use with our rhythm activities. I had one idea in mind...and then I saw a picture of something like this on Pinterest. I wanted to do it. So I purchased sticks and beads and chenille stems and bells. I experimented with it and decided to do it.
The kids really loved it. I think they would have made these for the whole hour if I let them...and if I had a few more sticks. I also brought out the markers so they could color the sticks if they chose.
One guy began shaking his as hard as possible - and the chenille stem flew off the stick. (I had tape...just in case.) We taped some of them just to make them more secure.
The kids enjoyed shaking their bells sticks to songs and with the rhythm patterns We didn't have much time to use them because we enjoyed making them for so long. Now they are tucked away in the cabinet, ready for next week. We'll use them for a few weeks and then the kids can take them home.
Just seeing the picture made me smile. I love it when something works out!
Today's Joy: Bell sticks that work...and the photo of them.
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