Writing takes a lot of thinking. It seems I spend a lot of time at my computer, trying to pull out thoughts that sometimes just don't want to come. So, while working, I need to take a brain break from time to time. I look to think about something completely different and maybe use different skills than I have been using.
One way to exercise my brain and focus on different things is through puzzles. I really like to do Sudoku, especially online when it will tell me that a number is wrong and I can correct it. On paper I end up tossing puzzles because I can't find the mistake. These number puzzles make me think and plan and try different things. And I enjoy them (usually). And the best part? If I get too frustrated, I just close it down and go back to work. The doing has helped me even if I don't get to the solution. (But I'm usually stubborn and keep at it until it's done.)
I also like to take trivia quizzes on Sporcle. I do really well on Bible questions and history and general knowledge. I really do badly on popular music. I'm embarrassingly great at TV shows. I struggle with world geography but clean up on US geography. But even if I try and fail on a particular quiz, it's over in a couple of minutes and my brain is ready to do something else.
This particular joy is small and quick and I can go back to work before too long. (That is if I don't keep clicking on quizzes to take.)
Today's Joy: Quizzes and puzzles for brain breaks.
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