Wednesday, January 30, 2019

She's My Daily Joy

Throughout this joy exploration, I've been reminded about two constant, daily joys in my life. First is God and His Word. No matter what happens, He gives joy, deep abiding joy that only He can give. Second - my wife is a continual source of joy to me.

The above picture is one of my Christmas gifts from her.  Every time I see it, I smile. I love it. It makes me think of her every day as I work. (I have to post this instead of a picture of her. She won't let me photograph her or at least share photos of her.)

Cindy gives me joy. She laughs at my stupid jokes (even after all this time of marriage). She reminds me of blessings we have in our lives. When I get anxious or distracted, she calms me or kicks me in the pants or both at the same time. She listens when I whine or have legitimate concerns. She gives wise counsel. She challenges me to think about things. She does so many things for me, without asking and without much in return.

She's been my joy for more than 31 years. (That sounds like a long time!) Last year when I could have lost her, I learned even more how much joy she gives me. I only hope that I can return a fraction of joy that she brings to me.

I often hear about people talking about "their other half." Cindy is definitely the one who fits me, who gives me strength in areas where I lack and pulls the best from me for what she needs. I can honestly say she's my daily joy, a true gift from God.

Today's Joy: My wife; I think I'll keep her.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

When Something Works

I take a lot of pictures with my phone. Well, not so many now. But I like to take photos of things that I see the kids doing and things they enjoyed.

I was looking through my camera roll today, searching for a certain picture. I saw the one on this page. It's a shot from yesterday's music class; we made bell sticks.

I wanted the kids to make instruments to use with our rhythm activities. I had one idea in mind...and then I saw a picture of something like this on Pinterest. I wanted to do it. So I purchased sticks and beads and chenille stems and bells. I experimented with it and decided to do it.

The kids really loved it. I think they would have made these for the whole hour if I let them...and if I had a few more sticks. I also brought out the markers so they could color the sticks if they chose.

One guy began shaking his as hard as possible - and the chenille stem flew off the stick. (I had tape...just in case.) We taped some of them just to make them more secure.

The kids enjoyed shaking their bells sticks to songs and with the rhythm patterns We didn't have much time to use them because we enjoyed making them for so long. Now they are tucked away in the cabinet, ready for next week. We'll use them for a few weeks and then the kids can take them home.

Just seeing the picture made me smile. I love it when something works out!

Today's Joy: Bell sticks that work...and the photo of them.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Too Old for This?

My new driver's license arrived. In the picture I look like an old man. Well, I guess I am an old man - I have gray hair and a white beard. Most days I feel like I should be still in my 30s or so. I think I can take on just about anything that I've always done.

And then there are other days - like today. I got up this morning not feeling very well. A cold or something. I get moving a little slow. I wonder if I'll be able to lead kids in music effectively. I feel tired.

But something happens when I get into the room with the kids. I don't know if I pull energy from them (because they seem to have an endless supply). But when I'm in a room, playing music and clapping rhythms and moving to songs and so forth...I feel like I can anything. Occasionally I even fall on the floor with the kids. (Well, maybe once but that's it.)

Today at the end of our music time, we were moving to a favorite song "All Fall Down." It's a building song. First we clap and then fall down. Next we make a face, clap, and fall down. And so on, adding movement each time, building up to the falling down each verse. As we finished the song, one boy said (lying on the floor): "I'm getting too old for this!"

When I heard that, I felt that I would never be too old to enjoy time with boys and girls.

Today's Joy: Spending time with kids and music

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Joy and Sadness

I am sad today. What led me to looking for joy this month were some sad things at the end of the year. Today I had some sad news, some sad circumstances, sad situations. It seems that every gathering I was a part of had some sad tinge to it today. I think sometimes it's just like that. And that's when I need to search for the joy even more.

I thought back over this day and past days. The one thing that came to mind over and over is the book of Psalms. I've been reading through the Psalms this month, 5 psalms each day. Often when I think about the book of Psalms, I think of praise to God. After all, the book is a book of songs.

While there are shouts of praise, there are also lines of lament. There are confessions and confusion along with the adoration and adulation. Words of worship and worry, comfort and crying, thankfulness and thoughtful questions.

I noticed that even in the times of lament, praise and joy leak through among the verses. And in my times of sadness, I can see the spark of God's joy peeking through.  The shadows of my sad situations enhance the glow of the joy that comes in even the smallest packages.

Can there be joy in the lament? He turns the lamenting into joy.

Why am I so depressed?
Why this turmoil within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him,
my Savior and my God. (Psalm 42:11)

Today's Joy: The lament that heightens His joy

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Just a Quick Stop

For the past few weeks, Cindy and I have tried something new. Cindy orders groceries online at Walmart and we go pick them up. She logs in on the app. A young man or woman comes out when we arrive to verify our name. Then they bring out the bags and load them into our car.

I enjoy going to the grocery store. I like spending time wandering the aisles and selecting what we need. I like having the time to think about things or think about nothing at all but what to purchase for dinner the next week. Going to the store has been a joy in the past for me.

But now, I need the time for other things. Since I've added a few more things to my schedule, it is more difficult for me to find the time to wander the store. We tried online shopping as a stopgap one week and now we really like it. I've met some really nice young adults who load groceries into my car. While I still must take time to drive to the store and back, the time to pick up is so much less than shopping for myself.

Letting others "do things" for me is a struggle. But I've learned in the past months that allowing others to help isn't a sign of weakness. It's wise to let others do things if possible and free up time and space for other things - things that people cannot do for you.

Sometimes is a joy to let go and be served.

Today's Joy: Online grocery shopping and pickup

Friday, January 25, 2019

Brain Exercise

Writing takes a lot of thinking. It seems I spend a lot of time at my computer, trying to pull out thoughts that sometimes just don't want to come. So, while working, I need to take a brain break from time to time. I look to think about something completely different and maybe use different skills than I have been using.

One way to exercise my brain and focus on different things is through puzzles. I really like to do Sudoku, especially online when it will tell me that a number is wrong and I can correct it. On paper I end up tossing puzzles because I can't find the mistake. These number puzzles make me think and plan and try different things. And I enjoy them (usually). And the best part? If I get too frustrated, I just close it down and go back to work. The doing has helped me even if I don't get to the solution. (But I'm usually stubborn and keep at it until it's done.)

I also like to take trivia quizzes on Sporcle. I do really well on Bible questions and history and general knowledge. I really do badly on popular music. I'm embarrassingly great at TV shows. I struggle with world geography but clean up on US geography. But even if I try and fail on a particular quiz, it's over in a couple of minutes and my brain is ready to do something else.

This particular joy is small and quick and I can go back to work before too long. (That is if I don't keep clicking on quizzes to take.)

Today's Joy: Quizzes and puzzles for brain breaks.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Adventures in 1-derland

As the music teacher for Mothers Day Out, I get to lead musical activities with all ages of preschoolers. This includes the 1-year-olds. Now my musical activities are simple for this age group. I go to the classroom with a CD player, simple rhythm instruments, and bubbles.

One-year-olds are an interesting lot. At the beginning of the year, most are skittish. They stare at me and keep their distance. I may be able to coax them closer with an egg shaker or tambourine, but they will take it and then move quickly out of reach.

Even now some are still a little stand-offish. They are more comfortable with me being there but still keep their distance. Others welcome me to the room and walk to where I normally sit, just waiting for me.

Today in the ones' room, I sat down and handed out shakers. The kids began to shake them before I started the music. We shook shakers and sang. Some wandered the room; others sat right next to me or stood close by.

One little guy sat with shakers in hand and stared at me. He didn't shake his eggs, just held them. He watched everything I was doing. This guy just started again at MDO this January. He was upset in the fall and everyone decided he needed a little more time for adjustment. He still cries when he's dropped off, but he stops fairly quickly and has adapted to the routine.

When I pulled out the bubbles today, everyone pressed in. I blew bubbles and they chased them and popped them. The little guy came and stood right next to me. He opened his mouth each time the bubbles flew into the air. (Maybe he was trying to catch them on his tongue? I don't know.) I talked to him and the others near me as I blew the bubbles.

Then he began to babble softly to me. I don't know what he said. But he talked! The first time he has spoken to me and one of the few times I've seen him so engaged (so far). My smile was wide.

I had some great conversations with several 1-year-old friends, including this new friend. I decided there's not much more joy than a 1-year-old deciding you are okay and talking to you.

Today's Joy: Music and bubbles with 1-year-olds

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Small Impacts

As a teacher of young children, I often wonder if anything I say or do is making impact. Young kids don't give you much feedback and many times you don't see the growth.

I know the kids in music class are enjoying themselves and they laugh at my silliness. They sing and move and play instruments, all good and fun things. But I still I wonder if what we say and do is of any consequence or impact.

On the mornings I'm at MDO, I usually stand by my door and say hello. Some look at me but don't say anything; some wave; some say good morning. (And those are just the parents.) But at times a child will call me by name or tell a parent who I am or just smile and wave as if they are glad to see me.

Today I greeted kids as they arrived. One dad carried his daughter down the hall. I said good morning and they walked by. The girl looked at me over Dad's shoulder. I heard her say, "That is...." I didn't hear the rest as they moved away. As I watched, the girl kept talking. Then she opened and closed her hands repeatedly, in a rhythm. For the past couple of weeks, we've been singing and "Open, Shut Them" song, opening and closing our hands. I immediately recognized what she was doing. Hmm. Maybe something stuck.

Later, after 3s had come to music, I walked down the hall to one of the classrooms. I heard the teacher say, "Trumpet and fiddle and bass drum?" They were talking about one of the instrument songs that we sing. Those are some of the featured instruments we pretend to play. When the teacher saw me, she said they were telling her all about the songs they sang.

I get joy from leading these preschoolers in music. But today, I received even more joy, joy that our time together has made some small impact on them.

Today's Joy: Evidence that what I'm doing matters

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Revisiting a Past Joy

I love to read. For as long as I can remember, reading has been my favorite pastime. I can read just about anywhere and in spite of just about anything. I love libraries and bookstores. In fact, I can just go and sit in them and enjoy myself, soaking up all the knowledge floating around me.

When I was a kid, I would reread the same books over and over. I don't know if I couldn't find new books to read or if I just enjoyed the familiar. But I read some books 7 or 10 or more times over the course of my childhood.

Now, it seems, I'm in some sort of undeclared race to read as many different books as I can. I just finished my second book of the year (and I'm mired in a third one that is a good history of Panama Canal but just not very quick to read). In the spirit of exploring joy and including my favorite hobby in that, I decided to reread something. Not just a book that I've read before but a book that I enjoyed reading when I was a kid.

I know the danger of destroying the memory by reading it again. But nothing could take away the joy that I had then and I will discover something new now when I read it, even if I don't enjoy it as much.

So I'm spending my reading time today (and tomorrow if needed) to read The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary. I'm sure that this past joy will deliver again, even if just for nostalgia.

Today's Joy: Exploring a book I enjoyed as a kid

Monday, January 21, 2019

Behind the Scenes

Feelings are quite a rollercoaster. Well, for me they often are. Yesterday I experienced several things that gave me joy and made me smile. Last night I got a message that I didn't need to teach music today and, while I love doing that, the thought of unexpected time off did make me happy.

Then this morning I read a message that wiped away those happy feelings. Nothing tragic but some changes that make me sad. After all, what I've discovered this month is that the smaller things are usually the ones that impact a lot - on either side of the joy coin. Then I got a later start than I expected; again, not tragic but it unsettled my "plans" for the day. I wondered what may bring an upswing to my mood.

Then I remembered that today is my day to do something "behind the scenes." Each week I get to help out in a way that almost no one knows about. I'm not going to tell you what that is because...well, that would defeat the "no one knows" thing. This particular action takes no real skill and not a lot of time. It's really not that big of a deal. It is something that someone else would need to do and it is beneficial to others (that may not even recognize it).

I don't write all this cryptic stuff to make myself look good. I write it because I realized how much joy this particular action gives me. As I do it today, I know it's helpful and appreciated and necessary. And doing it gives me great joy.

Today's Joy: A helpful unseen action

Sunday, January 20, 2019

A Joyful Day

Today has been full of joys. It's my birthday and I have received so many notes and mentions on Facebook, a few texts, cards and notes, and verbal good wishes. Each one makes me smile and helps me see how many different people I connect with regularly.

When I got up this morning, everything was dusted white with snow. Enough snow to cover the grass but not so much that everything shut down. (That's what happens here in Nashville area when snow is involved.) the end of the day...most of it is gone so it was like a present just for my birthday.

Kids in my classroom made me a card. It started out as a secret project with Cindy and the kids. But when I walked around the room, they would shout, "Don't come over here!" It's hard to have a secret project with five-year-olds. But I did not see the card at all until they presented it to me. I love it. Nothing says "Happy Birthday!" like hand-drawn pictures from little ones.

I went to handbell practice, something that always gives me joy. A couple of my fellow players picked out "Happy Birthday" for me on the bells. It made me smile bigger and bigger as they played it.

Cindy made me a chocolate cake. So now I get to enjoy some of it. And probably some of my favorite snack, too - popcorn with peanut M&Ms.

It's been an epic day - a day full of joy. And a friend sent me an epic birthday song.

Today's Joy: Lots of birthday fun

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Childhood Joys That Last

One thing the past couple of weeks has reminded me is that joys in each of our days are usually the smaller things. My attitude and my attention to the small things has shown me more times that I have joy than times I don't. This is another of those small things.

It is interesting to me the way tastes or foods you enjoy change over time. As a kid, I didn't like broccoli or strawberries. I enjoy both now - not at the same time. In fact, strawberry ice cream is now at the top of my list of ice cream to get. I once ate a medium rare steak as a kid and absolutely hated it. While I do prefer my steak more well-done, I don't mind some pink (or even a little red) in it now. As a kid I liked to eat circus peanuts (those marshmallow things); now not so much. I sometimes ate mayonnaise sandwiches as a snack when I was younger; I haven't eaten one of those in...well, forever. (And haven't wanted one either.)

Some things stay with you throughout growing up. I still do not eat raisins or spinach or sauerkraut. I love Oreos - but not the "fake" ones or the ones that masquerade as Oreos in different flavors.  I could go on but I won't. I like some good Tex-Mex whenever I can get it. And I can eat carrots (raw or cooked) but the handful. (Yay! A vegetable!)

The joy I thought about today are some snacks that take me right back to the joy I had as a kid. Snack cakes, especially Little Debbie treats, are things I enjoyed then and things that make me smile now. I'll buy some oatmeal pies or Nutty Buddies to have in my office - for those times when I need a snack to boost my thinking and creativity. I must eat in moderation but I do enjoy a boost from those little cellophaned treats.

Today's Joy: Childhood treats that still deliver some joy today.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Jazz, Hymns, and Patsy Cline

I love to listen to music. My favorite app to use is Pandora. I set up stations on Pandora off and on for the past few years. And one thing I've noticed is that I have very eclectic tastes in music.

I have stations for classical music and easy listening jazz. I have a Patsy Cline station and old-time gospel. I have Canadian Brass and Zydeco stations as well as several contemporary Christian stations. And, of course, soundtracks and other instrumentals. Apparently I have a musical multiple personality.

Sometimes I'm in the mood for a particular type of music. Sometimes I need "no words" for less distraction. Sometimes percussion just fits my mood.

Today I put Pandora on shuffle. It will shuffle through the stations I have chosen from selection to selection. I turned off the Christmas stations (yes I have several) but let all the others stay in the shuffle. So I jump from a Trumpet Concerto to Benny Goodman to a choir singing "Holy Ground" to E.T. movie soundtrack. Of course, I can forward to something else if something comes on that I don't want to hear. But I like the unpredictability and surprise with the different genres butting up against one another.

While there is joy in music itself for me, I have been enjoying the unexpected. So often in my life I want to avoid the unexpected. I want things to be more predictable and more controllable. But the music today is helping me think about how much life is more enjoyable when I embrace surprise and a little chaos. After all, life seems more chaotic than controllable.

And I can discover some similarities between Patsy Cline and Mandisa.

Today's Joy: Multiple genres of music with surprising connections

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Standing in Line

Today I had to go renew my drivers license. Yes, I waited until the last few days before my license expires to go, so I had to stay there no matter what today. Cindy went with me since hers is also expiring in a few weeks. (She's always ahead, I guess.)

We went right after I finished with the 2s and 4s in music today. Now we only have a couple of locations where you can get this done. Last time I renewed online (my favorite way). but this time I had to get a new picture. They must have seen how much I've changed on Facebook.

And, of course when we got there, we encountered a line. It was a line to talk to the first desk...then you had to go sit in chairs to talk to another desk. So we began our wait. Overall the wait was pleasant. I heard people behind me talking about the solution to all our immigration problems. ("Just buy Mexico!") No one was happy about the wait but they didn't act unhappy either. The ones who did seem to be unhappy just that was good.

Did I find joy in the waiting line? Well, I don't remember being joyful at the time. And I don't remember making a conscious decision to avoid being unjoyful. But I remember thinking that there was a line and we had to get it done and the line was moving mostly at a steady pace. I didn't need to be anywhere else at a particular time. And things were good.

Every employee we encountered was very nice and helpful. Even if they didn't seem to be in much of a hurry...but that is just my assessment I'm sure.

As I look back on it, it does seem a little enjoyable in retrospect. We found the location without much trouble. It quit raining when we went in and out - so we didn't get wet. My license is renewed for another 7 years (and the next time I think I can renew online). What could have been stressful and frustrating wasn't. I think that rates as joy.

Today's Joy: Getting something done without frustration and stress

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Stripes and Dots

A while ago - it seems like a long time now - I wore ties almost every day. Because of that, I collected a variety of them. I had ties with handprints and children's designs. I had ties for holidays and with beach scenes. I had more formal ties for those occasions but most of my ties were a little whimsical or silly. If you need to wear a tie, might as well have fun with it.

Now I rarely wear a tie. And when I do, it usually needs to be a more serious formal tie for a more serious formal situation.

So, a few months ago I decided I needed some more fun and whimsy again. I told Cindy I wanted to get some crazy socks. That way, no matter what I was doing or where I was going, I could have a little fun with me (even if no one else ever saw it). So she bought me a few socks with stripes and dots and triangles and primary colored squares.

Today I slid on my striped socks and just knew it was going to be a fun day. I thought about the striped socks as I moved with 2s and sang with 4s. I showed no one my socks (sometimes the kids ask to see them) but I still got joy just from wearing them. I have a good collection now - and all of them have come from Cindy. (That adds to the joy, too.)

Who knew that socks with stripes or dots could give you such a spring to your step?

Today's Joy: Crazy socks that no one may ever see

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Driving Mrs Cindy

Cindy had to go into the office today. She made a comment that I don't trust her to drive so I drive her everywhere now. Well, I do trust her. It's all those other drivers on the road that I don't trust!

Well, the fact is that I enjoy driving Cindy all around. I like taking her places. I like the time we get to spend together. I enjoy talking. And now, since her illness, the radio stays off - it can be distracting for her and difficult for her to hear me (important!). So the only time I have the radio on is when I'm in the car alone.

I've made the observation before that we spend a lot of time together now. We are with one another almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And while that sounds like trouble, it really isn't. One of the joys that has grown for me is spending time with Cindy...and car time, drive time is some of our quality time. We have some great discussions and some quiet rides through the countryside.

A day can be joyful with someone at your side.

Today's Joy: Being chauffeur to my wife

Monday, January 14, 2019

Something Sort of New

Today I had a new experience. Well, it was sort of new. I led the music elective for a home school co-op at our church. I've already been leading music for preschoolers for a couple of months. But this is a different organization and a different age group - younger elementary kids.

I like new things. Well, I like the idea of new things. I was excited when asked to do this - back in August. The idea was really cool to me. But as the time approached, I began to get nervous. Could I do something that would engage K-2 kids for an hour? What did I know about music anyway? Could I pull this off with another adult, someone I didn't know, in the room with me?

Well, this afternoon I met a group of seven boys and girls in the classroom and we had music time. It was fun. I enjoyed it. I'm pretty sure they enjoyed it, too. And I'm discovering that I'm okay at this music thing.

Os I like the idea of new things. I like when new things are over and go fairly well. It's the in-between anxiety that doesn't do much for me.

So I think I'll push that anxiety on into the next new thing, now. Don't know what that is, but I look forward to seeing the joy in it.

Today's Joy: Jumping into something new - and liking it

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Joyful Worship

Each Sunday I have opportunity to worship with my church family. We sing; we pray; we listen; we learn; we read Scripture. When my worship is "right," it brings great joy. When it is not, it is just noise or filling time.

What makes the worship "right"? Me. Or rather what's going on inside of me. Are the songs and music and Scriptures focused on God? Am I looking for a personal boost, something I can gain from worship? Successful worship, "right" worship, true worship is for God's glory, not for me.

Do I learn and grow in worship? I should. But that should be a by-product of giving praise and worth-ship to God. If my attitude is on what I can get out of church time, then I've missed the whole point. But too many times that's where my focus is. What did I get out of it? Did the music speak to me? Did the Bible teaching help me? Me, me, me.

As I have been looking for joy, I am finding that what blocks joy more than anything is me - pride gets in the way. "I'm not getting anything out of this." (What did I put into it?) "It didn't speak to me." (How was I listening? To what was I listening?)
Come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, the sheep under His care. (Psalm 95:6-7)

Today's Joy: Worship that focuses on God

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Muffins and Coffee

This morning when I got up, Cindy had made muffins (from scratch) and coffee for breakfast. Cindy is a great cook. She cooks dinner every day. (Well, almost every day. We do eat out occasionally.) Usually breakfast is a "fend for yourself" meal - which is fine with me. But sometimes she makes muffins or egg sandwiches or something similar. I always enjoy what she cooks for me.

I feel extra joy when she makes coffee for me. She doesn't drink it. So when she makes it, I know she's done it just for me. That makes it more special.

Now she's been doing these things during all of our marriage. And I've always appreciated it and enjoyed it. But today, as I think back to a year ago, I feel even more joy. One year ago, she was home from the hospital only a month or so. She did no cooking - not because she didn't want to but because she couldn't. Walking...standing...was an effort. So she got to eat my cooking.

Today she still moves slower than before. She still needs to take a rest after standing in the kitchen for a while. But oh, how joyful those muffins and coffee tasted this morning. She made them for me. And she was able to make them for me.

Today's Joy: Homemade muffins and coffee for breakfast

Friday, January 11, 2019

Very Punny


I love to laugh. I like silly jokes and silly comedies. Puns seem be my favorite type of humor. Oscar Levant said, "A pun is the lowest form of humor–when you don't think of it first." Low form of humor or not, I love them.

Overall, my humor isn't all that sophisticated. My favorite movies are Airplane! and Clue, two movies full of slapstick and puns and silliness. And the humor is gentle and clean.

I often forget that laughter is a great medicine. When things seem tense or overwhelming, I need to just relax with a little humor. Luckily I married someone who gets my "low form" of humor and will laugh at my silly jokes and share pun memes with me. (See the one above. She shared it with me.)

God is the source of joy. I think He's the source of laughter, too. After all, He sent a baby to an elderly couple and named the baby "laughter" (Isaac). And often, when I'm dealing with a tense time in my life or facing some difficulty, a little bit of silliness will happen. Or something from the past will enter my mind. Or someone nearby will say, "Surely you can't be serious."

Sometimes I'm too serious or too involved in things. I want to look for the silly, the funny, the joy. I know there's a time for seriousness but underlying it all there is some joy in the journey.

Today's Joy: Laughter, especially at silly jokes

(Why was Six afraid of Seven? Because Seven ate Nine.)

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Taking It Slow

When I sit down to think and write each day, I often already have an idea about what joy will show up in the post. I think during the day as things happen or note a particular event as the probable joy. I capture a photo for the post and think my work for that day is done. And so it was today. I walked to the computer with a particular thought in mind about what I would type here.

But as I thought back through the day so far, and begin to think again about the purpose of my joy journey, I wavered. My first thought was the easy idea for today.  I knew where I would be today and had "preplanned" what I would write. That wasn't what I hoped when I started this.

So I sat and thought for a minute. What happened today that really brought joy in an unexpected way. And I had it. It is another small thing and I'm learning that those small joys are really valuable ones.

Today I had to get up and be out of the house at a certain time. I always set my alarm early. I know that I tend to get ready slowly and ease into the day, so I plan that by letting the alarm ring and taking it slow.

This morning the alarm sounded. I turned it off. I rolled over and slept for a few more minutes. I enjoyed so much the leisurely approach to the morning.

I know that staying in bed a few extra minutes isn't that big of a deal. Now that I work freelance, I can work late, sleep in, make the hours as I choose.

But as I lay there this morning, I just enjoyed the extra time. I felt grateful that I didn't need to jump out of bed immediately and take on the day. I felt calmer and happier when I rose and dressed for the day. And I think the rest of the day just seemed more joy-filled.

Yes, it's the small joys that seem to give the most impact.

Today's Joy: A slower start to the day

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

My Favorite Sound

Today as I think back through what I did, I can find several joys weaving throughout the day. I sang and moved with preschoolers. I watched little ones chase bubbles and laugh. I filled my car with gas at a really great price. I talked with friends and spent the day with my wife. And I finished reading a book...just for fun.

But today I also got to hear my favorite sound. It's one I get the opportunity to hear regularly but today I think it was the one that gave me the most joy. I heard small children say my name.

There's nothing like a little voice calling, "Mr Scott!" I know it's not much, but to me it's often the best thing I can hear. When I hear my name and see faces filled with excitement - for no other reason than I walked by the room - my heart fills with more joy than I can name.

As I type those words here, it seems a little silly and inconsequential.

But I know inside that it's not at all. It is truly a gift to me.

Today's Joy: Small voices calling my name

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

A Little Time, a Little Ink

Since I'm a writer, I have looked for ways that my writing can support and encourage others. For the last couple of years, I try to send short notes to people each week or so. The last part of 2018 was a little crazy for me and I dropped this practice. I am beginning this year determined to get back into it. Writing and sending notes brings me joy.

I had already started again this year when something happened that affirmed this choice. I got a short note in the mail, thanking me for something I had done. That note brought me so much joy...on a day when sad things were winning. Getting notes brings me joy, too.

I will put that note in my "affirmation file," a place full of notes that I've received. I'll reread through them from time to time. In this stack are notes from children and from adults. Some are drawings, some one word or a few lines, some longer. But each one brings me a quick feeling of appreciation and joy. It's hard to realize that such a small investment - a little ink, a little paper, a little time - can produce such large feelings.

I'm committed even more to sending notes. It doesn't take me a lot of time but it can spread the joy that I experience each day.

"A person finds joy in giving an apt reply - and how good is a timely word!" (Proverbs 15:23)

Today's Joy: A timely word, received in the mail

Monday, January 7, 2019

Resolutions? Goals? Or What?

It's the beginning of the new year and I've done nothing about it. Well, now, that sounds rather weird, doesn't it. I've done nothing to think about the new year. I haven't reviewed 2018. I haven't set any goals. I didn't choose a word for the year or list any resolutions.

And today I decided that I'm not going to do any of those things.

I'm not trying to be rebellious or difficult or countercultural or anything. I think to keep the finding the joy I need to let go of some pressure. And that's what goals do for me - turn on the pressure.

I've always heard that goals are a good thing and, believe me, I've worked them. I set goals in different areas of life. I make plans (and sometimes follow them). But whenever I set goals - no matter what they are or how hard I work - I always see the failures. The ways I didn't meet them.

So I have three things for 2019...things related to helping me continue to find joy. (Call them goals if you want but I'm not going to do so.)

1. I'm going to read. I have a reading target (not goal!) of 75 books this year. Will I make it? I don't know. But I'm going to read a lot and read lots of different things. Some of them may be good for me but some will be just for fun. I love to read and I'm going to do a lot of it.

2. I'm going to learn something new. I want to learn something I've never done before. I have a couple of ideas but haven't settled on anything yet. Maybe use a sewing machine and make a quilt. Maybe take lessons on a musical instrument. Maybe something else. (Not skydiving!) But I want to learn something completely new and find joy in being a beginner.

3. I'm going to do something that scares me. (Again, not skydiving!) That may be write a book. It may be to preach a sermon. (Yikes!) It may be something else entirely. But I want to push myself a little harder, beyond my comfort zone, and find joy in just trying.

Today's Joy: Skip the goals and try something new.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

A Child's Perspective

I find it easy on Sundays to see joy. Each week I get to spend time with kindergartners, talking with them and learning with them. I get to hear what they are thinking. I can see them create and play and practice and learn and explore.

Today as Cindy was telling our Bible story about Joseph, she mentioned that he had 11 brothers. She asked, "Would you want 11 brothers or sisters?" The consensus was no. Then one child spoke up: "Yes. Then they could clean everything and I wouldn't have to do it."

Hmm. Good cause and effect thinking!

Laster Cindy said that Jacob gave Joseph a special coat. "He loved Joseph most," Cindy said. A child said quietly, "Uh oh."

I chuckled to myself but also thought that the child is beginning to put things together, draw conclusions, and understand implications. And I must say that "Uh oh" is the perfect response. Just look what happened later in Joseph's life!

A child was using the paint sticks, making designs on a coat shape. The child wanted to use every color we had. Opening and using a pink color, he remarked: "Oh...this is HOT pink!"

I love to see their thinking and the way they bring their own observations and experiences to the new things they encounter.

Lastly, a child was drawing on the white board: "Guess what I'm drawing?" I made a few (ridiculous) guesses. The answer: "God."

"Wow," I said, "I can't wait to see it." Later the child called me over and asked me to take a picture. (See above.) There was God...amongst the stars.

I love listening to children's thinking and seeing them grow.

Today's Joy: Seeing things through a 5-year-old perspective

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Little Moments

I'm an indoor guy. I like to read and write and not sunburn so I stay indoors more than I do stuff outdoors. But I do like to watch things outdoors.

My desk sits in front of a window and that window overlooks our backyard. Behind our fence is a wooded area. I often look out over this area as I'm "writing" and "thinking." And sometimes little moments of joy appear.

I saw a beautiful blue bird sitting among the empty brown branches. I don't know where he came from; he's the only one I've seen in months. But the bright colors reminded me that even in the starker times, color can be found.

Mostly I see squirrels. They bound along the tops of the fences. They leap from tree to ground to tree again. Sometimes they romp alone and other times they have fierce games of chase and tag. They appear in all shades of brown or gray and a few even look black. I know they are working to survive each day - but what they do often looks like they are enjoying themselves while they do it. That's what this journey of joy is all about for me. Seeing the bright spots in the journey, not missing the joys as I move along each day.

I love having a window in my office. Seeing the sun or the rain (or sometimes the snow). Seeing leaves fall and squirrels romp. Watching for the robins to return in the spring. Looking out on the world that God created reminds me that those little moments of joy can appear at any time. Don't miss them.

Today's Joy: The little moments in nature that make me smile

Friday, January 4, 2019

More Than Enough

Is it difficult to find joy in EVERY situation? When difficulties come, it can be challenging to see the joy, but that's when God makes Himself more known and we can find the joy that is in Him if in nothing else.

But it can also be challenging to find the joy in the mundane. Today I worked through the stack of mail that had built up on my desk over the past couple of weeks. It's one of my "favorite" times, when I pay everyone, when all those bills come due.

God has made Himself known to us this past year in this regular task. Each month we have enough - more than enough - to pay what we owe. We have lacked for nothing. I think back more than a year ago when we needed a car...and we found one just right for us at the just right price. We have received surprise gifts when we needed them (and even when we didn't).

And today, as I was transferring money online and writing checks, I received a call with a new assignment - additional work that will pay for our future needs. God is the God of more than enough. His grace superabounds over sin and over selfishness. Even in times of uncertainty, He never fails. He is more than enough.

Today's Joy: I have what I need...and even more.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Take a Breath

I've been a freelancer for a while now. It's still hard for me to shake the thought of working 8 to 5 - or a reasonable facsimile of that schedule. In my mind, I need to get up, eat breakfast, and jump into work. I end up working a variety of hours at a variety of times but still feel like I'm shirking if I'm not working in the middle of the day.

Today I decided to give myself time. I slept in a little late. I took my time through the morning routines. I watched a favorite show and even had a nap. Today I found joy in time for rest - literal and figurative.

God has been teaching me all during 2018 about rest. A key verse for me has been Matthew 11:28. If Jesus calls for us to rest in Him. I have not learned as much about rest as I could. I'm still keeping this verse as a focus for this year. I'm learning to give my anxiety to Him - to rest my mind on Him instead of worrying about things.

But I have not always been as good about resting physically. If I take any time off from working, I still think about it or feel guilty about it. Today I felt like I had to just stop. I didn't approach my computer until this evening. I didn't think about work or feel guilty about not working at that moment. I want to be responsible and to fulfill my work assignments. But I also want to enjoy the season I'm in right now. It's a freelance season - a season when my time is flexible. I want to rest in where God has me and what God has called me to be at this moment. I will enjoy and not put additional stress on myself. (And I will meet those deadlines!)

Today's Joy: Rest - and don't stress about it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Source of Joy

Something I've noticed in the past few months - my attitude, based on feelings, can change quickly. I can feel happy and relaxed and connected...and then that's easily derailed by an off-hand comment or a perceived slight or an inconsiderate driver. I set off on this journey in January with high hopes and good intentions. And yet, here it is only the second day, and I began to wonder if it would really be possible to find joy each day.

Last night I read something that caused me to fret. I thought about it last night and again this morning. I put it away and refocused. I laughed and joked with Cindy and began feeling more upbeat again. Then something else careened in and brought me back into a less joy-filled state.

I thought about this and about my finding-joy journey. I knew that today would be spent at home, working and so forth. So I wondered where I would connect with joy today, where would I find joy if my mind kept focusing on other things.

Then I read in my devotional materials: "You don’t know what you are going to do. The only thing you know is that God knows what He is doing. Continually examine your attitude toward God to see if you are willing to 'go out' in every area of your life, trusting in God entirely. It is this attitude that keeps you in constant wonder, because you don’t know what God is going to do next." (Oswald Chambers)

I was hit between the eyes. (He often hits me there so I'll pay attention.) Joy isn't something I encounter or manufacture. Joy is in God. (I know this but God has to reteach me all the time.) If God is present, joy is present. I don't look for something to give me joy or help me achieve joy; I look to Someone for that.

I kept reading, this time in Psalms 107. I found these verses already highlighted for me: "Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a murmur, and the waves of the sea were hushed. They rejoiced when the waves grew quiet. Then He guided them to the harbor they longed for." (Psalm 107:28-30)

We call to God. He stills the storm (around us or in us). We rejoice! He guides us to our destination.

Today's Joy: Not in circumstances but in the one who holds those circumstances.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Joy in the New

I like new things. There's something exciting and, yes joyous, opening up something for the first time.  What I like most is new office supplies. I don't know why but I love going into the office supply store and browsing. I enjoy opening up a new notebook with all the clean pages and using a new pencil with its sharpened point and smelling those new crayons as I slide open the lid. So many possibilities to fill the blank pages and wear down the crayon tips. So many ways the pencil can get used down to a stub. There is joy in the new.

Today is a brand new day. I know that there's nothing particularly different on this day - just a turn of the calendar. But January 1 seems the start of something new, full of possibilities. What great things could be done or discovered or explored in this new year!

I think we could even refocus that down further. Each day is a new gift, full of possibilities. Each day we open our eyes, God has given us a new gift to be used to glorify Him and to learn more about Him.

Today's Joy: A new day - how will I write on it?