One of my favorite joys is playing in our church handbell choir. Last night was our annual concert, wrapping things up until fall. No only did I get to play with our adult group, but I watched boys and girls and teenagers ring as well. Many of those children I had taught when they were younger, so it was like I got to see some of my own older "kids" playing music and leading in worship.
Our director told us that handbells are the only instrument that is played by multiple people at the same time. That's one thing I love about it - we have to work together as a team and listen to what's happening to create the music. I can bang along, just playing my bells at the appropriate time - but that will not contribute to creating music. I've got to blend with the other bells, making sure my part supports the melody or rings out if it is the melody.
Also, I like that when I make a mistake, it doesn't totally ruin the worship experience. Yes, a wrong bell will create a clash. But if everyone is continuing on (and I recover to continue on), then that mistake is swallowed with the rest of the music. I need to be prepared and I need to be accurate but a mistake isn't catastrophic. The support of others helps me move beyond my mistake. (Hmm, that's a metaphor for the church, isn't it?)
Being a part of the bell choir helps me be more than I am alone. I'm not a great ringer but I can get by in most situations. I can handle most techniques adequately and I'm getting better at contributing to the dynamics and overall music. But even if I play everything perfectly, my part is incomplete without the rest of the choir. With the rest of the players, I'm part of a greater whole, creating something more than a couple of notes ringing over and over.
I am so grateful for Linda (our wonderful director) and my fellow ringers. I love worshiping with you!
I hope my life can be like my bell playing. I hope I can join with the rest of my fellow church members and other Christians as a whole and make something greater than we ever could alone. That's when the joy comes. Working together - seeing the whole become worship for God and His glory.
P.S. Here's a video of us ringing, by Scott Etheridge.
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