Don't worry. I'm not going to start pouring out sinful secrets here online. I'm not advocating that. But God has been showing me that confessions more than just listing and apologizing for bad acts. Recently praying aloud and confessing my deep need for God is becoming an important practice for me. Expressing our estrangement from God and our need for His grace is something the church body should do - at least from time to time.
So, as I pondered and prayed on these things, I began to write a hymn - a hymn of confession. The hymn is based on Psalm 51 (David's Psalm of confession). This is a dual joy - joy in trying something new and joy in the response of forgiveness that comes from our confessions to God. I'm still tinkering with it, and probably will from time to time. As a writer, nothing is ever finished - just as good as it is for the moment! But I'm sharing it here. I welcome feedback, criticism, or comment on it.
I wrote it to go with the hymn tune "Beach Spring." Piano version from YouTube is below if you want accompaniment as you read it (or sing!).
Hear Me God, I Am a Sinner (R. Scott Wiley)